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Courier Mission and UEFA Campaign FAQ

What is the Courier Mission?
The Courier Mission is a game developed by Just Eat Takeaway.com that will award couriers who score more points during the week. The Courier Mission will be available from 12/09/2022 until 28/02/2023, and the competition is country-level. So each week, each country will have a ranking of top scores. However, to be able to play the game, the courier needs to achieve the country target of RAF, performance, or work during peak hours.

When will I receive the link to play?
You will receive the link to play once you’ve achieved the target assigned for your country. So, for example, if in your country, the target if refer a friend with your personal link, once you refer it, you will automatically receive the link to play in your email.

Will you be able to use the link the week after receiving it?
No, the Courier Mission is a weekly competition, which means that every Monday, the competition restarts. So, if you want to win the prizes, you will need to achieve the target on that week.

How can I win UEFA tickets?
To win UEFA tickets, you will need to

1) check if that week UEFA tickets will be available;

2) in the same week, achieve the target specified by your country;

3) play the game, score points and be in the top 10 of your country;

4) wait for the final announcement of the winners.

The UEFA tickets available depend if your country has clubs classified for the tournaments and if they will play in their city after Matchday 03 (October 4th). The UEFA competitions are the UEFA Champions League, UEFA Europe League and UEFA Europe Conference League, and the number of tickets depends on the UEFA tournament availability and matches. After the ranking announcement, your local team will call to confirm the details and later, the agency will handle the tickets.

How can I win food vouchers?
To win the food app vouchers, once you’ve achieved your country’s ranking, you will receive an email letting you choose to win the vouchers instead of the UEFA tickets. If on that week the prize list does not have any UEFA tickets, then if you are at the top of the ranking, you will automatically win the food vouchers. The value differs based on your position.

I haven’t scored enough points to go to the ranking. How can I play again?
If you haven’t scored enough points, you can try the following week again by achieve the country’s target.

Updated on September 13, 2022

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