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The Scoober team

Who is part of the Scoober team?

There are different people helping the delivery operations run. Let’s list them:

1. Live Operations Agents

Live Operations Agents are located at our office in Berlin. They supervise the orders we receive and help in case of unexpected situations.

For example, if you have a flat tyre, they will help you out and redistribute the food orders. They will also be there to support you if you have any problems during the delivery.

So, when is it appropriate to reach out to them?

The Live Operations Agent has to be informed of every issue that may occur during the delivery. For example, your mobile battery is low, unusual delays or waiting times at the restaurants, damaged products, customer complaints, or accidents.

Normally, you will contact Live Operations Agents via the chat in the Scoober app. If there is any serious emergency, you can call them via the “Call Disposition”  function also in the Scoober app.

2. City Operations Managers

Note: only at cities with a Hub

City Operations Managers ensure that all delivery-related operations in a city run smoothly.

They also ensure that our relationships with restaurants are positive.

3. Courier Coordinators 

Note: only at cities with a Hub.

Courier Coordinators take care of Courier and are the first person to contact if you have questions. They also keep the Hub in good condition and make sure that all equipment is well-prepared before you go into the city to deliver orders.

Updated on March 14, 2022

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